Bank information

Details about how we get bank information from a given IBAN

Data sources

We get bank information from the combination of multiple data sources that we normalize and store in our database. The database is updated everyday to make sure you always have the latest data available.

Please keep in mind that we don't guarantee the data to be 100% correct and you should always double check before using them. We are not responsible if the data is incorrect.

The bank object

addressstringAddress of the bank
bicstringBIC code of the bank
citystringCity of the bank
metaobjectMetadata of the bank
namestringName of the bank
phonestringPhone number of the bank
sepa_b2bbooleanWhether the bank supports Business-to-Business Direct Debit
sepa_corbooleanWhether the bank supports SEPA Core Direct Debit
sepa_cor1booleanWhether the bank supports SEPA Core Direct Debit D+1
sepa_sccbooleanWhether the bank supports SEPA Card Clearing
sepa_sctbooleanWhether the bank supports SEPA Credit Transfer

If the bank object is empty, it could mean one of the following:

  • The IBAN is not valid.
  • The IBAN is valid but the bank is not found in our database.
  • You're using the Free plan

The bank.meta object

The bank.meta object tells you how we got the bank information from the IBAN.

bank_codestringCode of the bank
confidencestringHow confident we are about the result
methodstringMethod used to extract the bank code

The confidence field can be one of the following:

  • none: The IBAN is not valid
  • low: We used the default rules to extract bank information
  • high: We used specific rules to extract bank information

The method field can be one of the following:

  • fallback: We used extremely basic rules to extract bank information
  • default: We used the default rules to extract bank information
  • specific: We used specific rules to extract bank information